Holistic Music


Music for Healing and Health

Dr. Harry Henshaw

Seona . Seona .

Understanding How Binaural Sound Therapy Works

What is binaural sound therapy?

Binaural sound therapy is a form of sound therapy that uses two different sound frequencies to create a single new sound. When these frequencies are heard separately in each ear, the brain perceives a third tone, known as a binaural beat. Research suggests that listening to these beats can influence brainwaves, promoting relaxation, stress reduction, better focus, and even improved sleep quality.

The science behind binaural beats

Binaural beats work by playing slightly different frequencies in each ear to create a single, perceived tone by your brain. When the brain hears these tones, it creates a third tone that is the difference between the two presented. This phenomenon is called brainwave entrainment.

How does binaural sound therapy affect the brain?

Binaural sound therapy affects the brain by stimulating different parts of it through the use of two different tones, one in each ear. This stimulates the brain to create a specific frequency called the binaural beat. When the brain perceives this beat, it can influence the brainwaves, leading to relaxation, improved focus, better sleep, reduced anxiety, and enhanced creativity.

Benefits of binaural sound therapy

Binaural sound therapy can help reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance relaxation. It has been reported to aid in better sleep quality and alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. Additionally, binaural sound therapy is known to enhance meditation practices, leading to deeper states of mindfulness and mental clarity. It is a natural and non-invasive way to support overall well-being and promote a sense of calmness and balance in daily life.

Different frequencies for different effects

Binaural sound therapy uses various frequencies to induce different effects on the brain. For example, lower frequencies can help promote relaxation and reduce anxiety, while higher frequencies can enhance focus and concentration. Specific frequencies are targeted to trigger desired responses in the brain, such as improving sleep quality or reducing stress levels. The effectiveness of binaural sound therapy relies on the precise selection and delivery of these frequencies to achieve the intended outcome.

How to use binaural sound therapy effectively

To use binaural sound therapy effectively, wear headphones to maximize the difference in sound frequencies between your ears. Each ear will receive a slightly different tone, creating a unique sound experience. Listen to binaural beats at a comfortable volume in a quiet environment to enhance the therapy's effects. Avoid distractions to fully immerse yourself in the sound therapy session.

Applications of binaural sound therapy

When it comes to binaural sound therapy, its applications are quite diverse. Some common uses include:

  • Relaxation: Helps in reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

  • Improved Focus: Enhances concentration and focus levels.

  • Better Sleep: Aids in achieving a deeper and more restful sleep.

  • Pain Management: Can assist in managing chronic pain.

  • Mood Enhancement: Elevates mood and promotes a sense of well-being.

Binaural sound therapy for relaxation and stress relief

Binaural sound therapy is commonly used for relaxation and stress relief. It involves listening to sounds through headphones, with each ear receiving slightly different frequencies. This creates a unique effect on the brain, helping to calm the mind and reduce stress levels. Research has shown that binaural sound therapy can help in promoting relaxation, improving focus, and reducing anxiety. Many people find it beneficial for unwinding after a long day or preparing for a restful night's sleep.

Binaural sound therapy for sleep improvement

Binaural sound therapy works by using special sounds to help improve sleep quality. When it comes to sleep improvement, binaural sound therapy can be a helpful tool.

Conclusion: Harnessing the power of binaural sound therapy

To wrap things up with binaural sound therapy, it's important to remember that this technique works by sending slightly different frequencies to each ear. When these frequencies combine in our brain, they create a single tone known as a binaural beat. This beat is believed to help induce various states of mind, such as relaxation, focus, or improved sleep. By harnessing the power of binaural sound therapy, you can explore new ways to enhance your well-being and mental clarity.

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Seona . Seona .

Boosting Self-Esteem Through the Power of Ambient Music Therapy: An Overview

Understanding Ambient Music Therapy

Ambient music therapy uses soothing sounds and rhythms to create a calming atmosphere. This type of therapy helps reduce stress, anxiety, and promotes relaxation. It can be done in a quiet room or even while doing daily activities. Research shows that ambient music therapy can improve mood and enhance overall well-being.

How Ambient Music Therapy Boosts Self-Esteem

Ambient music therapy can boost self-esteem by creating a soothing environment that promotes relaxation and positive emotions. The calming sounds of ambient music can help reduce stress and anxiety, allowing individuals to feel more at ease and confident in themselves. Research has shown that listening to ambient music can improve mood and self-perception, leading to a greater sense of self-worth. Furthermore, incorporating ambient music therapy into daily routines can enhance self-awareness, mindfulness, and overall mental well-being.

Benefits of Ambient Music Therapy on Mental Health

Ambient music therapy has shown to have several benefits for mental health. Listening to ambient music can help reduce stress, anxiety, and even improve mood. Research has found that it can aid in relaxation, promote better sleep, and enhance focus and concentration. Additionally, ambient music therapy can be a helpful tool in managing symptoms of depression and PTSD. Integrating ambient music into your daily routine can have a positive impact on your overall well-being.

The Science Behind Ambient Music Therapy

Research has shown that ambient music therapy can have a positive impact on a person's mood and well-being. Studies have indicated that listening to ambient music can help reduce stress, improve focus, and promote relaxation. Ambient music is characterized by its soothing and atmospheric qualities, which can create a calming environment. When used in therapy, ambient music can help individuals feel more at ease and connected to their emotions.

Incorporating Ambient Music into Daily Routine

Ambient music can be easily included in your daily routine to help boost your self-esteem. You can start by creating a playlist of ambient tracks that you enjoy and listening to them during different parts of your day. Try listening to ambient music while you work, relax, or even during your daily commute to create a soothing atmosphere. Additionally, consider incorporating ambient music into your meditation or yoga sessions to enhance the relaxation effect.

Types of Ambient Music for Self-Esteem Boosting

Ambient music can help boost self-esteem through its calming and uplifting melodies. Here are some types of ambient music that can enhance your mood and confidence:

  1. Nature Sounds: Such as flowing water, birds chirping, or gentle rainfall can create a peaceful environment.

  2. Instrumental Ambient Music: Without lyrics, this type of music focuses on soothing tunes and melodies that can help relax your mind.

  3. Electronic Ambient Music: Incorporating electronic beats and synth sounds, this genre can provide a modern and upbeat feel.

  4. Classical Ambient Music: Comprising of orchestral compositions and symphonies, classical ambient music can evoke deep emotions and inspire positivity.

Listening to these various types of ambient music can create a tranquil atmosphere, uplift your spirits, and promote a sense of well-being.

Ambient Music Therapy Techniques

Ambient music therapy encompasses various techniques to enhance self-esteem and well-being. Guided listening involves focusing on specific sounds to promote relaxation and mental clarity. Soundscapes, such as nature sounds or soothing melodies, can create a calming environment. Mindful music listening encourages mindfulness and reflection through intentional music engagement. Breath synchronization pairs music with breathing exercises to promote calmness and stress relief. These techniques aim to boost self-esteem by fostering a sense of tranquility and inner peace.

Creating Your Ambient Music Therapy Space

When setting up your ambient music therapy space, remember that it's essential to choose a quiet and peaceful area in your home. Make sure to eliminate any distractions that could disrupt your therapy session. Consider incorporating soft lighting and comfortable seating to enhance relaxation and focus during your music therapy sessions. Personalize the space with elements that bring you joy and comfort, such as plants, soothing scents, or calming visual aids. Experiment with different sounds and music genres to find what resonates best with you and helps boost your self-esteem.

Personal Experiences with Ambient Music Therapy

Self-esteem can be significantly improved through personal experiences with ambient music therapy. People often find that listening to ambient music can help them relax, reduce stress, and elevate their mood. Individuals report feeling a sense of calmness and inner peace while engaging in ambient music therapy sessions. The soothing sounds and melodies have a profound impact on individuals, allowing them to connect with their emotions and inner selves on a deeper level.

Conclusion: Embracing Self-Esteem Through Ambient Music Therapy

Ambient music therapy can be a powerful tool in boosting self-esteem. By immersing yourself in soothing sounds and melodies, you can experience a sense of calm and inner peace. This, in turn, can help you feel more confident and positive about yourself. Remember, self-esteem is about accepting and valuing yourself for who you are. Ambient music therapy can be a supportive companion on your journey to self-acceptance and self-love.

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Seona . Seona .

The Science Behind Healing Frequencies: How They Improve Your Mental Health

Understanding healing frequencies

Healing frequencies are specific sound waves that some believe can positively impact mental health. These frequencies are thought to interact with the body to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. Proponents claim that exposure to these frequencies can help balance energy levels and improve mood. While scientific evidence is still limited, many individuals find comfort and relaxation in listening to healing frequencies through music, sound baths, or meditation practices.

The impact of healing frequencies on mental health

Listening to healing frequencies has been shown to positively impact mental health. Research suggests that exposure to these frequencies can help reduce stress, anxiety, and improve overall well-being. Many people report feeling calmer and more centered after regularly listening to healing frequencies. The Science Behind Healing Frequencies: How They Improve Your Mental Health delves deeper into how these frequencies work and their potential benefits for your mental well-being.

Different types of healing frequencies

Healing frequencies come in various forms that target specific areas of mental health. Some frequencies focus on reducing anxiety and stress, while others are designed to enhance concentration and promote relaxation. Each type of healing frequency works differently to influence mental well-being.

Benefits of incorporating healing frequencies

Healing frequencies can help reduce stress and anxiety levels. They have been shown to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. Additionally, incorporating healing frequencies in your daily routine can enhance your overall mental well-being and bring a sense of calmness and balance to your life.

How healing frequencies work

Healing frequencies are specific sound vibrations that are believed to have a positive impact on our mental health. When exposed to these frequencies, our brainwaves synchronize with them, promoting relaxation and reducing stress. The theory is that these frequencies can help balance the energy flow in our bodies, leading to feelings of calmness and well-being.

Evidence-based research on healing frequencies

Healing frequencies have been studied in research, providing evidence of their positive impact on mental health. Studies suggest that exposure to specific frequencies can help reduce stress, anxiety, and promote relaxation. Researchers have found that certain frequencies can also enhance mood, improve focus, and even aid in better sleep. The scientific community continues to explore the potential benefits of healing frequencies, shedding light on their role in supporting mental well-being.

Techniques for experiencing healing frequencies

To experience healing frequencies, you can try these techniques:

  • Sound therapy: Listen to music or sounds specifically designed to promote relaxation and healing.

  • Meditation: Practice mindfulness meditation to focus on calming your mind and body.

  • Binaural beats: Use specialized audio tracks that play different frequencies in each ear to induce a desired mental state.

  • Energy healing: Explore practices like Reiki or acupuncture to align and balance your body's energies.

  • Nature immersion: Spend time in natural environments to benefit from the healing powers of nature.

Practical applications in daily life

Healing frequencies can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. Here are some practical ways to benefit from them:

  • Listen to binaural beats during meditation to enhance relaxation and focus.

  • Use solfeggio frequencies while sleeping to promote deep rest and rejuvenation.

  • Play 432 Hz music in the background while working or studying to reduce stress and increase productivity.

  • Try sound therapy sessions at home or with a professional to address specific mental health concerns.

Incorporating healing frequencies into self-care routines

Healing frequencies are sound waves that are believed to have positive effects on mental health. Many people find comfort and relaxation in listening to these frequencies as part of their self-care routines. Some benefits of incorporating healing frequencies into your routine include reducing stress, improving focus, and promoting feelings of well-being. There are various platforms where you can find healing frequency audios, such as apps, websites, or videos. Try including these frequencies in your daily self-care practices to see if they help improve your mental health.

Conclusion: Enhancing mental well-being through healing frequencies

Healing frequencies can positively impact mental well-being by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and improving overall emotional balance. By incorporating these frequencies into your daily routine, you may experience a boost in mood and a sense of calmness. Remember, everyone responds differently to healing frequencies, so it's essential to find what works best for you. Experiment with different frequencies and techniques to discover what resonates with you the most. Embracing healing frequencies as a part of your mental health routine can lead to a more balanced and harmonious state of mind.

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Seona . Seona .

The Science Behind Music for Sleep: How It Works

Introduction to Music for Sleep

Music for sleep can be a soothing way to relax your mind and body before bedtime. Listening to calming music can help reduce your heart rate and lower your stress levels, making it easier to fall asleep. Many people find that soft melodies, nature sounds, or white noise can create a peaceful environment conducive to sleep. Music therapy for sleep is gaining popularity as a natural and accessible way to improve sleep quality.

The Impact of Music on Sleep

Music has a significant impact on sleep quality. Listening to calming music before bed can reduce stress, lower heart rate, and promote relaxation which can help you fall asleep faster. Research indicates that music can even improve sleep quality and increase the duration of deep sleep. It is important to choose soft, slow-tempo music without lyrics for the best results when using music as a sleep aid.

How Music Affects Brain Activity

Music has a calming effect on the brain, helping to promote relaxation and reduce stress. When you listen to music, your brain releases dopamine, a chemical that makes you feel good. Certain types of music can also slow down your heart rate and lower your blood pressure, creating a sense of tranquility. Classical music is often used for this purpose as it has been shown to have a particularly soothing effect on the brain. Researchers have found that the brain processes music in a way that can activate both its emotional and motor centers, leading to a state of relaxation and readiness for sleep.

Benefits of Using Music for Sleep

Listening to music before bed can help relax your mind and body, making it easier to fall asleep. Research shows that music can lower stress levels, reduce anxiety, and promote deeper sleep. Some benefits of using music for sleep include:

  1. Relaxation: Music can calm the mind and body, creating a peaceful environment for sleep.

  2. Stress Reduction: Listening to soothing music can lower cortisol levels, the stress hormone, helping you unwind.

  3. Improved Sleep Quality: Music can aid in achieving a more restful and uninterrupted sleep, leading to feeling more refreshed in the morning.

Overall, incorporating music into your bedtime routine can be a simple yet effective way to improve your sleep quality.

Types of Music Effective for Sleep

Slow tempo music, nature sounds, and white noise are commonly effective for aiding sleep. Slow tempo music can help lower heart rate and induce relaxation. Nature sounds, like rain or ocean waves, can create a calming environment. White noise can mask background sounds, helping to create a sleep-conducive setting.

Creating the Ideal Sleep Playlist

When crafting the perfect sleep playlist, it's crucial to choose songs with a slow tempo and minimal lyrics to help your brain relax. Research suggests that music with a BPM of around 60 to 80, like classical, ambient, or nature sounds, can aid in promoting better sleep. Additionally, songs that have no sudden loud noises or intense crescendos are ideal for creating a soothing atmosphere conducive to falling asleep. Remember to consider creating a playlist that is at least 45 minutes long to help you ease into a peaceful slumber.

Incorporating Music into Your Bedtime Routine

Listening to calming music before bed can help you relax and fall asleep faster. Research has shown that music can lower your heart rate and reduce levels of cortisol, a stress hormone in your body. To incorporate music into your bedtime routine effectively, consider creating a calming playlist of soft, slow-tempo songs that you enjoy. Make sure the volume is low, and try to listen to the music in a dark and quiet room to promote a peaceful atmosphere conducive to sleep. You can also use headphones for a more intimate listening experience. Experiment with different types of music to find what works best for you - whether it's classical, nature sounds, or ambient tunes.

Best Practices for Using Music for Sleep

Listening to music can help you fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your sleep. Here are some best practices for using music for sleep:

  • Choose music with a slow tempo and no lyrics to promote relaxation.

  • Create a bedtime routine by listening to the same calming music each night before bed.

  • Set a timer to ensure the music doesn't play all night, disrupting your sleep cycles.

  • Use comfortable headphones or speakers at a low volume to prevent discomfort or disturbance.

  • Experiment with different genres to find what works best for you in aiding sleep.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Case studies have shown that music can significantly improve sleep quality. In one study, participants who listened to slow-tempo music before bedtime fell asleep faster and experienced a deeper and more restorative sleep. Another case study reported that individuals struggling with insomnia found relief by incorporating calming music into their nightly routine. Success stories have been documented where individuals achieved a more consistent sleep pattern and felt more refreshed in the morning after incorporating music into their bedtime routine.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

In conclusion, music can be a powerful tool to help enhance sleep quality. It works by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and creating a soothing environment for the mind and body to unwind. Listening to calming music before bedtime can signal the brain to slow down and prepare for rest. Incorporating music into your bedtime routine may lead to improved sleep patterns and overall well-being. Remember, finding the right type of music that resonates with you is key to maximizing its sleep-promoting benefits. So, experiment with different genres and melodies to discover what works best for you.

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Harry Henshaw Harry Henshaw

Reduce stress with relaxation music

It is essential to understand stress, recognize the negative symptoms of stress, know how stress can adversely affect our lives, and most importantly, how we can reduce, if not eliminate, stress from our life. The harmful symptoms of stress can show up in your body, mind, thoughts, feelings, and behavior. If the experience of stress is not managed effectively, it can contribute to the development of many severe and sometimes lethal health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes, to mention only a few of the many harmful physiological issues.

What is stress? Stress has a great deal to do with your thinking. Stress is the perception of some threat or challenge to the individual, both psychologically and physically. The initial perceived cause can be a potentially harmful threatening event to the individual or the result of a positive challenge. During a person's experience of stress, a person's body appears to produce a variety of hormones that assist the individual in meeting the demands of the perceived stressful situation. If the stressful situation continues for too long, the individual may become "stressed out," and possibly damaging physical and psychological consequences may occur.    

There are many documented symptoms of prolonged stress. According to Mayo Clinic, the common symptoms of stress and anxiety can develop in three areas of our life, our body, mood, and behavior. In your body, stress and unresolved stress can result in headaches, muscle tension or pain, chest pain, fatigue, change in sex drive, stomach upset, and sleep problems. With your mood, stress can result in anxiety, restlessness, lack of motivation or focus, feeling overwhelmed, irritability or anger, and sadness or depression. Regarding your behavior, stress can result in overeating or undereating, angry outbursts, drug or alcohol misuse, tobacco use, social withdrawal, and exercising less often.  

It is commonly believed that there are a variety of causes of stress which can be referred to as stressors. Stressors tend to be thought of as something external, are what happens in your environment that requires you to change or respond differently, and the situation in question can be positive or negative. Stressors are associated with a person feeling stressed. Some of the more common stressors are job insecurity or even loss, financial strains and problems, marital issues including divorce, illness, injury, death of a loved one, experiencing abuse, social isolation, and many more. However, what is a stressor for one person may not be a stressful experience for another person. The experience of stress can be very individualized and does vary from person to person. 

A person can do a variety of things to reduce, if not eliminate, his experience of stress. For example, some behaviors that help to reduce a person's experience of stress are engaging in physical activity regularly, getting proper sleep, having a healthy diet, practicing yoga, obtaining a massage, having a sense of humor, spending time with friends, family and loved ones, having hobbies, will all help to lower your experience of stress and reduce the possibility of severe physical and psychological problems that accompany them. Seconds Count also states that maintaining a positive approach to life, setting realistic expectations of yourself and others, and choosing healthier ways to relax and manage stress can also help to reduce stress.

There are two specific, different things you can begin to do and practice that will help you to mitigate and even reverse the harmful effects and consequences of stress. The first thing is to learn how to experience deep relaxation with therapeutic relaxation music. The second way is to create a practice of changing or transforming your thinking, which some believe is the underlying cause of stress, that is, a person's thoughts and beliefs about not only the stressor but, most importantly, oneself.   This inner transformation is brought about by using positive affirmations or thoughts combined with relaxation music to change how you define yourself and who you think you are in life.

Music has always been a potent modality to help you relax and reduce your experience of anxiety and stress. Repetitiously using therapeutic relaxation music will help you experience a profound state of relaxation and, as a result, promote healing and health. When therapeutic relaxation music is mixed with both binaural audio tones and the powerful sounds of nature, the healing power of the music is enhanced and increased. When used as a carrier for one's meditation practice, therapeutic relaxation music can help to produce remarkable and even profound results. Similarly, sleep music allows you to experience this calm, relaxed state of mind and body as you prepare for an evening of sleep. 

Using positive affirmations consistently will help you to change and transform your thinking and, specifically, how you perceive yourself, your value, and your worth as a human being. When we change what we think about ourselves, especially when we transform from a predominantly negative to a positive perception of ourselves, we will learn how to improve and increase our self-esteem and confidence. As your belief in yourself and your faith in what you genuinely believe you deserve and are capable of in life increases, you can effectively deal with the stressors that may happen. As a result of your improved self-image, you will come to reduce your experience of fear and, with it, your anxiety and stress.

Dr. Harry Henshaw

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Harry Henshaw Harry Henshaw

Importance of Positive Affirmations

Poor self esteem is something that many people suffer from today. Having poor self esteem will negatively effect everything in an individual's life including relationships, work, future plans and their even health. Some believe that doing things to better themselves or acquiring many possessions will and does help improve how a person feels about themselves and thus helps them to improve their self esteem.

However, doing and having does not, and will not, produce positive and lasting self esteem for an individual. Self esteem is really about what an individual thinks and feels about their value and worth as an individual. Self esteem is truly all about the person's thinking, not doing or having. The only way to change or transform a person's self esteem is through helping them to alter their thoughts and beliefs about who they think they are in life.

However. there is one very effective way of improving your self esteem. This powerful tool has to do with the use of positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are like planting thought seeds in our minds, thoughts that will grow stronger and stronger especially with consistent and repetitious use. While there are a great deal of negative thoughts in the mind of a person with poor self esteem, using positive affirmations will begin to transform the person's mind and as a result, their life.

Using therapeutic relaxation music with the positive affirmations strengthens the healing power of the affirmations. When an individual listens to relaxation music their mind and body begins to experience a very deep state of relaxation thereby reducing anxiety and stress. When positive affirmations are delivered to a person who is in a relaxed state of mind and body as that created by relaxation music, they will easily receive and accept the positive affirmations.

When listening to positive affirmation recordings for improving self esteem it is suggested that you follow the steps below:

  1. Find a quiet place where you will not be interrupted or distracted.

  2. If possible use good quality headphones to further reduce distractions.

  3. Start the positive affirmation recording and as you let your eyes close begin to relax all of the muscles in your body.

  4. Breathe slowly, inhaling and exhaling only through your nose.

  5. Let your attention stay focused on the positive affirmation recording only. If and when your mind wanders slowly bring it back to attending to the positive affirmation recording.

  6. As the recording is playing, listen to a positive affirmation and then say and repeat the affirmation out loud. Do the same with the next positive affirmation.

  7. Practice keeping your mind focused on the positive affirmation recording until the recording ends.

Be patient, change and transformation take time. Make the above exercise a part of your daily healing routine. The more you utilize this positive affirmation recording exercise the more the positive affirmations will assist you in improving your self esteem.

Dr. Harry Henshaw

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Harry Henshaw Harry Henshaw

Therapeutic Relaxation Music

Anxiety and stress are major problems for individuals suffering from substance abuse and dependency issues.  Most if not all alcoholics and drug addicts live much of their life in fear.  Fear is the basic emotion that an individual experiences when reference is made to anxiety and the emotional and physical disorder of stress.  Experiencing a great deal of anxiety and stress tend to hinder an individual’s recovery efforts and for many will result in a relapse.

There are many important benefits for the addict or alcoholic to be able to reduce and effectively manage anxiety and stress.  When individuals in recovery are able to learn how to reduce stress and anxiety their ability to make better decisions increases.  Being able to make better and healthier decisions will allow addicts and alcoholics to do step work with their sponsor, benefit from counseling with a therapist and as a result stay in recovery longer thereby reducing the possibilities of relapsing and reentry into active addiction.

There are many things that an addict or alcohol can do to help reduce if not eliminate their anxiety and stress.  For example, avoiding certain people, places and things, especially early in their recovery, that are associated with them experiencing stress, expressing feelings instead of holding them inside, managing time better, learning how to reframe problems and focusing on the positive aspects of themselves and life, to mention only a few.  Relaxation music is still another way to help reduce anxiety and stress.

As we know, music has been used for many centuries to promote a sense of health, ease, wellness and wellbeing.  Music has been proven to be a very powerful alternative therapy for changing a person’s thinking, feelings, ones emotional state, behavior and even an individual’s life.  Music has the capacity to help a person experience a deep state of relaxation and serenity, reduce the experience and effects of stress, promote a peaceful, restful sleep and even begin to generate physical healing and health.

As we also know, music is very under utilized in the field of counseling and psychotherapy for helping individuals clients learn how to reduce anxiety and stress.  For example, most therapists and counselors do not know about the beneficial and powerful effects of therapeutic relaxation music in individual and group counseling sessions let alone within the structure of a treatment center or program.  Therapeutic relaxation music can be a very powerful modality and has a specific nature or structure.

Therapeutic relaxation music is uniquely designed with the primary purpose of creating a very deep state of relaxation in the individual who listens to it.  First, to accomplish this goal the relaxation music is created with sustained chords. The more sustaining the musical chords the more of a sense of relaxation is created or instilled within the listener. The feeling of the relaxation music is one that is very slow in tempo as there is very little chord change or progression. 

The relaxation music also has a very repetitious nature to it. That is, the therapeutic relaxation music most effective for reducing anxiety and stress utilizes short musical patterns that repeat themselves.  As with the use of sustained chords, the more repetitious the therapeutic music the more of a sense of deep relaxation is created for the one listening.  The repetitious nature of the music soothes the client into a deep state of relaxation and ease.

In addition to the sustained chores and repetitious nature of the relaxation music, binaural audio tones are also utilized to assist the person in moving into a more relaxed state of relaxation. Effective therapeutic relaxation music uses either theta binaural audio tones for a deep profound state of relaxation or delta binaural audio tones for enhancing and even inducing sleep.  Utilizing binaural audio tones further enhances the power of the therapeutic relaxation music.

The sustained chords, the repetitious nature of the musical pattern and the binaural audio tones creates a very deep state of relaxation for the listener. This type of therapeutic relaxation music is ideal for assisting anyone in being able to reduce their anxiety and stress and also for use in counseling, during individual and group counseling sessions to assist clients in their therapeutic process.  Usually the therapeutic relaxation music is played at an ambient level in individual and group counseling sessions. The therapeutic relaxation music can also be used in the programming of a residential treatment center or on hospital units to help relax and even promote sleep for clients.

The therapeutic relaxation music described above can also be used by anyone who wants to experience a deep state of relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety or even need assistance in going to sleep at night.  For working with clients in a clinical setting, such as with addicts and alcoholics, therapeutic relaxation music can be a very powerful tool that they can utilize in their transformation.  Therapeutic relaxation music can also be mixed with the use of positive affirmations to enhance and strengthen the power of the positive affirmations in improving self-esteem and confidence.

For more information about therapeutic relaxation music and the different ways that it can be utilized, both in a counseling and non-counseling setting, please contact me at my email, drharryhenshaw@gmail.com

Harry Henshaw, Ed.D., LMHC

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